
Kim Richards gets Hammered at the Airport

God bless cell phone cameras!

Two young men caught one of the newest housewives in Bravo's stable, Kim Richards, totally hammed at the airport and getting denied boarding to her plane.  I watched the video and she does seem pretty out of it.  At one point the crazy bitch starts popping pills!

The good part of the video is when she is actually talking to people.  First, apparently realizing she is being taped (or maybe not) she starts slurring to the two dudes something about "Twitter-ering" her and then tells the two guys to Google her like they give a fuck, "I know what you're doing," she slurs at them like an inept idiot.  Who the fuck knows if she even gets what's going on though...she talks to them for a minute before popping the aforementioned pills and then the footage goes to a service counter.

Now, this shit's priceless!

This wacked out piece of work thinks that everyone knows who she is and that she deserves - get this, preferential treatment.  So as they're telling her she's too licked to fly this crazy bitch decides to name drop, thing is she name drops herself!  This brings the LOLs!  The security guys seem pretty damn sure she's a drunk nobody so they still refuse her.

The video is below.

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Image Via www.socialitelife.com 

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