
KFC Hires Spencer Pratt

Well if this isn't the dumbest thing I've heard in a while...

If you haven't heard much from famewhore Spencer Pratt lately it's because he has been working on some sort of chicken wing song in the studio while his dopey plastic wife was busy using the autotune machine.

Spencer released the stupid song, I assume, as a way to make some bank off idiots who buy shit like this but it turns out the track has yielded more than just a quick payday...motherfucker got a job offer out of it!

Yes, folks, January 31st was Spencer's lucky day!

Turns out the President of KFC Colonel Fucking Sanders some dude named Roger Eaton wrote up a little offer Spencer the King Douche could not refuse.  Apparently, they want to help him tune up and perfect the chickentastic song and also help him make a video they can both profit off of.  Is this a movie?  Where am I?

Anywho, Spencer seems receptive to the poultry franchise's offer so try not to be too turned off when you see him rapping some garbage about chicken wings in a commercial while his wife shows off the breasts in the background.

Check out the story on TMZ they have the letter.


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