
GMA Exclusive! Charlie Sheen got Effing Wasted and Wanted a Porn Star to Babysit his Kids


Seriously?  Anyway, on Good Morning America the porn star who was at "da sick party" that prompted Charlie Sheen's latest rehab attempt was yakking about the star and saying some not so great things.

Seems Charlie was "chiseling off" large pieces of coke and smoking them while spewing some nonsense that he was retiring.  And at one point or another asked a porn star to babysit his kids for him.

The sassy porn star, Jordan, said that it was the kids that bothered her.  That's so nice!  We can assume she meant that the kids were nearby but their are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to start.  I've said before that I could care less that he likes to party with porn stars and get his freak on - hey, that's his business.  But doing large quantities of coke is never a good idea, and kids shouldn't be subjected to any of this foolishness.  So strike two Mr. Sheen...let's try to keep it clean, buddy.

Image Via www.gossip.whyfame.com

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