
Justin Bieber to Take Paternity Test and Then Sue Stunt Queen Liar

After saying that he wouldn't sue the stupid stunt queen who cried baby on him when he was yakkin' on the Today Show Justin Bieber has changed his little, hair whipping mind.

The Biebs WILL take a DNA test in 2 weeks (when he gets back to the US) to prove he is Not The Father not Mariah Yeater's baby daddy.  Then he's taking her teen mom ass to court!


Justin's lawyer called Yeater's attorneys Friday and let them know Bieber is down with taking the test.  In fact, they've already found a lab.  Bieber power!

Once he schools her ass with a negative test Justin will sue.

Yeater's lawyers are apparently quite "nervous" and went AWOL yesterday presumably in hiding from all the Beliebers and their misplaced tween rage.

Justin says it's important to file a lawsuit against Yeater to show there are consequences when somebody trumps up phony, hurtful allegations against a celebrity.  AMEN!

Fucking stunt queens.

Image Via www.myspace.com

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