
The McRib is Being Sued!

But it's so sweet and syrupy!  Why would anyone sue a delicious yet disgusting sammwich?


TeddyHilton.com reports that, "The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) announced that it had filed an SEC complaint against Smithfield Farms (the McRib's pork supplier) over the cruel and unusual conditions in which the pigs are kept."

Ohhhhhh!  Well, I don't want them to be mean or hurt any little piggies!  Sue on!  Sue on! 

Apparently the lawsuit stems from the HSUS getting some gnarly footage of animal abuse and now that the McRib is back in McDicks they are thinking that maybe now is the time to really strike, while people are listening while eating their greasy sammiches.

Save the piggies!  Say no to McRibs and their McDeliciousness!

Image Via www.youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily.com

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