
Who Has the Biggest Boobs and Penises in the World? A Few Helpful Maps

Jezebel.com posted a map of the world's boobs by cup size and the results were no big shock.  Asians have tiny boobs, Russians have the biggest tits and most Canadian women boast a tasteful size C. 

Click to Enlarge

And since I believe more chicks read this site then men, here's a world map of penis sizes.  For the ladies...

Click to Enlarge

Again, not really any big shockers here.  Asians have the smallest penises, Canada comes in average again and Bolivia and Sudan have some of the biggest dicks on the planet.  Interesting stuff people.

Sorry about the shit end of the stick China.  We still love you and your delicious wontons...yumorama!

Images Via www.jezebel.com

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