
Teen Pistol-Whips Mom and Tries to Force Her to Buy Her a Car

What are you to do if you're a young, happenin' gal about town without any wheels?  Why, pistol-whip your mother, hold her at gunpoint and make her buy you a car of course!

The AP has a story online where authorities in southwest Florida say a 17-year-old girl pointed a gun at her mother, pistol-whipped her and forced her to drive to a dealership to buy her a used car.

A used car?  What a dumbass!  If you're going to go through the trouble of pistol-whipping your mom at least get a new car!  Instead bitch made her mom sign for a 2004 Nissan she drove off in.

I swear there's something in the water down in Florida...it's like crazy asshole water or something.

Her mother says she doesn't want to press charges because her daughter "has been accepted to several Ivy League schools."  But even though her mommy isn't pressing charges she's still in hot water because the brainiac used a stolen gun to do the deed so she's been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, among other counts, and is being held at a juvenile detention center.

What a wannabe gangsta bitch!  If my kid ever pistol-whips me (especially for a car or some other materialistic bullshit) I'll bitch slap her so hard she'll get whiplash!  I don't care if she got into Harvard or not!

Image Via www.gamebanana.com

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