
No Inferno for Lindsay

After waiting like a docile little puppy for Lindsay Lohan to escape from her own madness, the director of Inferno - the Linda Lovelace biopic - has reportedly moved on to an actress who won’t cost gazillions of dollars to insure and relapse as soon as she gets a night off.

Even after Lindsay failed numerous drug tests, sending her to rehab for the umpteenth time, the director had vowed to stick by her and wait as long as it took.  Well, it turns out it took too damn long because they have dropped the train wreck actress and are in talks with another wacktress who is dying to play a porn star.

Probably for the best, her last foray into on-screen whoredom bore I Know Who Killed Me which may or may not be one of the worst movies ever made…like Silence of the Lambs my ass!  Has she even seen Silence of the Lambs?  Because I am not only horrified I watched that hunk of junk, but shit!  I am a little offended!

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