
Debt Collector Uses Facebook to Collect

Florida resident Melanie Beacham owed $362 in car payments to her debtee so MarkOne Financial LLC assassins collectors were called into action to get the money kamikaze-style, by doing anything they possibly could to find her.

I have worked in debt collections for one of the biggest banks in the world, and let me tell you, it ain’t pretty!  They use their employees as snipers and tell them to do the shadiest things they can to get that money.  I had been told to lie, harass, stalk and shame people into paying their debts.  I get that it is usually their fault that they pissed away money they didn’t have on crap they didn’t need but never did I think it would be necessary to lie and harass someone as a job - I left after six months after seeing two collectors in back line (the absolute last line of defense before the bank has to write off the debt) tell a man’s daughter - very young daughter I may add - on the phone that they were going to break her father’s legs if he didn’t call them back immediately.  It was the grossest side of the human condition I had ever seen…shudder…sometimes; I still have nightmares about it!

After Melanie didn’t pay her debt and apparently their 10 calls a day didn’t work, they decided to go online and find her relatives on facebook, using them to get to her…Jesus Christ!  Like a freakin’ spy thriller straight out of Hollyweird.

They simply sent (what the bank I worked at used to call) “cover your ass messages” which means you leave a telephone number and no info so when the customer/fucked debtor tries to sue it’s extremely hard to prove as harassment.

“Please have Melanie C Beacham call me.  904-899-8378.  Thanks.”

Regardless, this has sparked a lawsuit by Beacham claiming that “MarkOne intentionally harassed and abused the Plaintiff in outrageous format.”  But we’ll see what happens; these collectors are trained to harass people without being sued for harassment.  Hell, when I worked at the bank - we had a Goddamn seminar on it.

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