
Wanna Buy a Book About People With Weird Things Up Their Butts???

Um...Hell YEAH!!!

Rarely, nay NEVER, in my life have I ever been told a story about someone "accidentally" shoving having something stuck in their butt and not laughed my fucking ass off.  People are crazy!  It's one of the reasons I blog...can't make this shit up, man!

TMZ reports, "A couple of doctors have just released a new book called 'Stuck Up' -- compiled of x-rays showing various items stuck inside of people ... in [one] case, someone decided a Buzz Lightyear action figure needed to explore inner space for a change."

Gross!  Hope his kid doesn't still play with it!!!  Bum Analyear!  Nasty.

See, the thing is, no one ever wants to admit they shoved something up there - but really?  Normal people don't get random objects stuck in their rectums a whole lot...actually it NEVER fucking happens!  Just admit you wanted to know what it felt like to stick something up there, you have a problem and admission is the first step!  Doctors don't give a shit - it's not like they're telling rectumcentric stories at rich prick doctor cocktail parties or something and laughing at your dumbass with their hot mistresses.

The book is out now and is super cheap so if nothing else, pick it up for a loved one at Christmas...I'm sure it makes a great bathroom book.

Oh and just for shits and gigs (and for my BFF who loves this show - holla Steph!) here's the clip of Seinfeld that had "Fusilli Jerry" in it...

"...it was a million to one shot, Doc...million to one..." 

Image Via www.amazon.com

1 comment:

  1. Features like this dreg up those age old anecdotes that make me wonder about "Bunghole 911" and will the truth ever be known. Bunghole 911 is also known in some circles as "The Richard Gere."
