
Octomom Nadya Suleman on Being Drugged Up By Her Doc and Celebrity Boxing

About a week ago, Nadya "I had too many damn babies and now I'm screwed" Suleman told fake Dr. Drew that she was drugged when she signed the consent form to have 12 embryos implanted into her baby maker.  She now blames her drugged up dopiness on the decision that resulted in her now world-famous reputation as the “Octomom” after eight of those embryos proved viable.  Um - where was this little tasty nugget hiding all this time???

Suleman claims that Dr. Michael Kamrava gave her "a cocktail of drugs" in preparation for the implanting, "He wrote something, he gave it to me to sign. I signed it, and I didn’t read it."  WTF are you talking about, woman?!?!  I don't buy this shit for one GD second!  IF this were true I can guarantee she would've come out with it before this!  Methinks someone is looking for an easy paycheck attention...

In other Octomom ridiculousness, she is now set to step into the ring with another "celeb" to beat the shit outta them in a Celebrity Boxing match.  Really dude???  I mean, I feel bad for her kiddies that they have no moola but really???  No one wants to beat the hell out of a mother yet so we'll see if it goes through (a lot of these reported Celebrity Boxing matches don't ever come to fruition after they are announced.)

So here's my uneducated opinion - I know it may be hard but GET A FUCKING JOB, DUDE!!!  A real job - perhaps one from home so you can watch your 14 kids while shilling crap online or something...I don't know - I don't have too many suggestions...I do however have a modicum of dignity -

But that's something you know nothing about.

Oh yeah, and if you could please stop posing for pics in bathing suits and refrain from showing your midriff anymore, that'd be great.

Image Via www.vipphoto.ru


  1. SPOT ON!

  2. It would be great to just consolidate all the crap coming from the OctoMAchine into one spot like this maybe so we can all be done with it.
    Kind of an OctoAlmanac..OctoAllManiac? OctoAl-no-Man-iac? You get the idea....
