
Let's Play Whose ASS is That??? CONTEST!!! UPDATE - @TBBuffy Won So I Sent Her a Nip Pic of Deena

You cheeky bumlookers!

So, I'm rippin' around the internet checking things out and what do I come across???  Why a gnarly ass shot of a "celeb" of course!  And I'm pretty bored right now so LET'S HAVE AN ASS CONTEST!!!  First one to write on the blog's FB wall and/or Twitter with the correct answer to who the somewhat tan and fairly disgusting ass in question belongs to gets a shout out and will be immortalized as the first contest winner ever on BandtheB...time's ticking...GO! 

Image Via www.socialife.com


  1. Gotta say Snookie!

  2. Sarah Marsaw wins the contest - in just over an hour no less - it's Deena Cortese...or Other Snooki as I like to call her...thanks for playing.

  3. You need to do more contests!

  4. This is snooki how dumb do y'all think we are
