
Lady Gaga Turns Down Weird Al Parody Song...Or Did She? (Video)

I love Weird Al - I've loved Weird Al since he was churning out crap like "Eat It" and "Polka Your Eyes Out" - he's the man when it comes to musical satire!  And let's face it - these days there's a lot more to satirize then there used to be.

Well, here's the deal...Al wanted to make a new album, but was looking for the one epic, pop-culture song to release for his first single.  Enter Lady Gaga and Born This Way...

He wanted to do a version called "Perform This Way" mocking her intense imaging in terms of performance.  Simple enough, right?


Lady Gaga would not let him record the song unless she heard and approved it.  It should be noted that Al does not have to get the artist's permission to record due to fair-use laws he just does it because he's a stand-up guy who doesn't want to step on anyone's toes.  So he wrote the song and shipped the lyrics over to Miss Thang for her appproval - sadly it would not come.

Her team responded with “She actually needs to hear it. Otherwise the answer is no.”  Al said on his blog, "Hmm. Well, this was mystifying to me. At this point she has the lyrics… and hopefully she is familiar with her own song… and the parody is basically her music… with my lyrics. It really shouldn’t be that hard to decide – based on having the lyrics right in front of you – whether or not you’d be “okay” with a parody. But, alas, we’d been given an ultimatum. If she didn’t hear it, she wouldn’t approve it."  Um - okay.  So Al records the fucking thing at her request and sends it to her. 

And she still rejects the song!  What a fool this chick is!

So he throws the song up on YouTube (see below) because as he said, "I...have a personal policy not to completely waste my stinking time."  And then the uproar began!

Garnering even more unfavorable attention for Gaga after the whole dropping the retard word and releasing a crappy album with even shittier cover art.  So, now what's up?

After much negative press about her not giving permission for him to release the song, it has suspiciously come to light that it was Gaga's team that Weird Al was dealing with and not Gaga herself.  That's her story and she's sticking to it!  Her guys are now saying that they never showed the lyrics or the song to her and she never turned it down - they did.  Way to take one for the team, liars!

Check out this epic backtracking, "Gaga’s manager has now admitted that he never forwarded my parody to Gaga—she had no idea at all,"  Al wrote on his blog.  "Even though we assumed that Gaga herself was the one making the decision (because, well, that’s what we were TOLD), he apparently made the decision completely on his own. He’s sorry. And Gaga loves the song."

Please!  I don't believe that for a second!  If this is true she needs a new "team" ASAP.  She was prob just pissed that he was making fun of her.  Thing is the mockery has already been made - he was just pointing it out (like when Alanis did that hilarious rendition of "My Humps").  Ain't no shame or blame in that!

Unless of course, you're Lady Gaga and your ego is the size of fucking Texas.

Image Via www.thehausofgaga.livejournal.com

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