
Kate Middleton + A Jelly Bean = A Kate Middleton Jelly Bean!

Well let's just all piss ourselves right now why don't we?  Please.

The stupid random jelly bean was found by Wesley Hosie, 25 of Somerset when he was getting his eat on with a jar of jelly beans. He says that he recognized Kate's face in the jelly bean almost immediately. 

Harumph!  What?  Who looks at their jelly beans that closely and who the eff recognizes dots and patterns on them that slightly resemble people? (and it wasn't even one of those bigass gross jelly beans either, it was one of those cutesy little flavored ones).  Anyways, sick people!  That's who. 

Possibly in a bid to cash in on the circus that is the upcoming royal wedding, Wesley is putting the jelly bean up on eBay for £500- yeah, well shit in one hand and hope in the other Wes.  I bet I could tell you which hand fills up first.

Image Via www.abcnews.go.com
Copyright SWNS/Getty Images 

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