
Doritos Shell Makes its Debut at Taco Bell

Genius!  Sheer genius!  This is amazing...I can already taste the fake cheesy powder substance mingling with the questionable meat product and special spices...mmmmm.

Check this out - Taco Bell is currently testing a new taco shell made entirely of Nacho Cheese Doritos in Toledo (that's going to obvi go fucking meteoric when they unleash it into more restaurants) and I think the whole damn idea just smacks of brilliance.

What's better than a Dorito?  An effin' bigass Dorito taco, that's what!!!

And this does of course go back to my original theory about how we invent things like stoned teenagers.  But that's neither here nor there...

Anyone want to give me a ride to Toledo?

Image Via www.dlisted.com

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