
Charlie Sheen Sex Doll - All Sold Out!

Duh - winn...oh I'm not even going to say it - why bother?  Check this out, this is priceless!

So, apparently The MaSheen has a sex doll based on his likeness named, get this...Crackhead Charlie the Winning Love Doll...and apparently it has sold out!  Pfft - just like Charlie I guess.

The head honcho over at Pipedream (the raunchy company that makes these suckers) said, “The Crackhead Charlie doll sold out in one day, the same day we released it. We could have sold more dolls if we had more in stock but they are sold out right now."  Bummer! 

The product description is, “You don’t have to be a slutty porn goddess to party with this radical rockstar from Mars! Just add air and this neurotic nutjob will show you his two and half personalities, warlock, fangs, fire-breathing fists and Adonis DNA. Don’t be a foolish little troll, experience the bitchin’ drug they call Charlie and let him rock your world!”

How effin funny is that?  Shit - put that on my tombstone because I have never read anything so GD funny in my entire life and I want people to be happy when I'm gone...Don't be a foolish little troll?  That's gold!  Shoot, I'll be chuckling at that all day...

But I digress - the damn thing is made of latex and you fill it with helium and bang it I guess...oh and it looks like it sounds, a stoned-ass-looking, tiger Warlock from Mars named Charlie Sheen (in his trademark 2 1/2 Men outfit no less!).  So if you sickies want one you're going to have to wait!  Unless you already ordered one, in that case you should immediately get off the computer and go get your life together ASAP.  Mmkay?

Image Via www.hollywoodoncrack.net

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