
Lady Gaga in Toronto - Brings her Young YouTube Fan Onstage

After a late start where she kept her audience waiting 85 minutes without explanation, Lady Gaga brought down the house in TO last night - she also brought her young, YouTube fan up on stage with her.

Sitting at the piano with her young protege she murmured into the mic "...Maria represents what this song is all about...it's all about the next generation...the future."

I thought it was about being yourself and an gay anthem that can also apply to anyone who's ever been bullied???  Meh, wouldn't be the first time this chick has changed her tune to suit her sales.  I don't know the lyrics to Express Yourself Born this Way so I'm not too sure if they sang the original or if they sang the "clean" version that little cutie pie Maria had posted on YouTube that got all Gaga's gay fans in a tiffy.  

It's no secret that I don't like Gaga but the scene was truly touching if you look through the publicity stunted-ness of it all by Mother Monster.  I do feel bad the kid was kind of used up and will pretty much be thrown away by Gaga afterwards but for that one moment - she was IT, a superstar on stage, and Lady Gaga gave her that.  Good for Maria!  Go on girl!

Image via www.ctv.ca

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