
Dumb "Model" Gets Bitten By a Snake in the Tittay!!!

Ouch!  Can I get some tiger balm up in here?!?!

Some broad was in the streets of God knows where doing God knows what with a snake and the sucker bit her!  Right in the surgically-enhanced BOOBY!!!

Now, I know it's sick and all that to laugh at someone getting hurt but truth be told I'm the type of asshole who laughs when old people slip on ice and shit.  I can't help it - if it makes it any better it's kind of a nervous laugh and I do try to keep it on the DL.  But when it's some stupid chick who thinks she's being all sexy getting bit in the tit by a snake she probably shouldn't be messin' with - it's on!

Check out the video here.  And how effing funny is it that some guy watching is yelling something about her tittays in a different language!  It sounds even funnier when they replay in slow mo.

Thanks for the chuckle dumbass!  Hope it wasn't poisonous!

Image Via www.flickr.com

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