
Lindsay Stole Some Expensive Shit Then Wore it Around Cali

Oh Lindsay noooo!

You was doin' so good, girl!

News sources are abuzz with the latest Lindsay Lohan scandal where she allegedly ripped off a pretty snazzy necklace from a store near her pad in Venice Beach and then wore the sucker out and about while being photographed by the paparazzi pigs.  What a dumbass!

The store is fairly sure it is stolen but good old Lindsay insists she borrowed the necklace from a stylist and they are the ones at fault for not returning it on time.

Now wait a damn minute...why would the store that lent the necklace out to a stylist make a big stink about Lindsay Loco Lohan swipin' it?  Wouldn't they know where it was?  Could it be for publicity?  Spite?  Some random and nefarious anti-Lohan agenda?

Nah, pretty sure Lindsay's just a dumbass.  But hey, I'm just a sane person with the majority of the facts...I never claimed to know what I was talking about.

The DA is currently looking into the case.

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