
Oprah has a Sister She Never Knew

While the world drops their jaws in collective surprise I chalk this up under who gives a shit.  And is it just me or does this seem too calculated for words???  How the Hell does one of the most powerful women in the world not know something like this?  The sister has been trying to contact her for years, it surprises me to hear that Oprah doesn't check her email.

Unlike most chicks I don't buy into the Oprah-sphere of consumerism and new age philosophies and would rather gouge my eyes out than buy anything she's selling, but until now I did understand why women trusted this broad to control their lives...now I'm not so sure.

What is with her constant revelations about her childhood lately?  Who the Hell wields this much power running a small country of employees and doesn't know what's going on in her own life?

But, I digress.  If it is legit I suppose that's nice in a Bart's People sort of way but personally, I ain't buying it.  To me, Oprah just smacks of inauthenticity and business savvy, trust me, she knows what's up...she just uses these revelations to play on the emotions of others and garner higher ratings.  And if she doesn't then maybe the jokes on us - she ain't all that.

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