
Skins - MTV Has Everyone in a Tizzy Again

Admittedly, I haven't seen Skins.  It isn't on in Canada for some reason so all we're hearing is the debate heating up about the show's decency quotient.  I wasn't interested when I heard about the show but now, with all the hoopla, I'm thinking about tuning in.

Isn't that the way, now?  I never would have watched it but since these censorship assholes are all in a funk I may have to see what the big deal is.  It's so counter-productive to protest things like this the way they do because all it really does is build curiosity and boost ratings.  Kind of like when those dumbasses at PETA (BTW I am an animal advocate) throw red paint on some rich bitch for wearing fur...fighting violence with violence doesn't make sense to me as fighting supposed indecency with brute force censorship doesn't seem to make sense either.  It's funny how the right-wing conservatives are all up in arms about Obama turning their country into a socialist paradise yet when forms of socialism benefit them they are all about shutting shit down.

Anyways - Skins is supposedly rich with teen sex and drug use which is something kids never do right?  Why show a realistic view of young people in today's uber sexual society???  Thing is, the letter writers are adamant that the show's over sexed, drug addled storylines are not realistic.  One asshole (on Anderson Cooper) even said that it's unfair to say that all 14 year old boys think about sex a lot.  Um, isn't that pretty right on?  I wonder what she thinks they think about?  Politics, world strife...Sarah Palin?  No, they're more likely thinking about where to score weed and Britney Spear's bra size.

I'm not saying it's right, but maybe before we go on a rampage denouncing a show for portraying a form of reality that is very real, we should stop for a minute and ask some kids what's going on...yes, that's right, don't build a bridge between you and your kid build a relationship.  Instead of telling them what's real why not ask - then you'll at least know from them what is real and what's not.

It's not MTV's job to raise a kid, it's a parent's.

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