
Teen Mom College Fund Raises 15K for Catelynn and Tyler

Possibly the trashiest couple on Teen Mom, young Catelynn and her fiance Tyler knew college was probably out of reach for them until a concerned Jezebel.com employee started taking donations for a fund that has since ballooned into a respectable $15000.

Wow, a lot of people want these two to get their college on!

Sure, I feel bad that Catelynn's mother is an asshole to her and God only knows where her dad is, and it certainly sucks that Tyler's dad Butch has since married Catelynn's asshole mother in between jail stints making them engaged step-siblings but is it weird to anyone else that just because homey didn't pull out in time, these two are famous?

There's a lot of kids who deserve to go to college and I'm not saying these two haven't had it rough and they did have the good sense not to bring a baby into their ghetto fabulous world.  But it seems like we are glorifying teen pregnancy - something the U.S. is getting really good at - and I can't help but think that other girls are going to think getting knocked up will either get them fame or fortune...or at least a free college education.

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