
Octomom is an Octosinger Now...

This bitch needs to pick a job and go with it, man!

(Not porn star, not porn star...)

Nadya Suleman, the mother of 14 who filed bankruptcy, ripped off welfare, made a self-pleasuring video (O face pictured above) and basically just refuses to make a good decision is going to be a singer now!

Correction!  Singer slash rapper...


She recorded some sort of bullshit track with a dude named Adam Barta - he's famous for collabs with hot mess celebs like Lisa Lampanelli - it's produced by musical bigwigs DJ Mr. Mig and Mike Rizzo.

The "song" is called "Get on the Dance Floor" and is sure to suck and just garner more ridicule for the Octomom and her brood...it's being reported that she felt so liberated during her self-pleasuring video that she wanted another way to express herself.

Can't she just talk to a dozen of her kids or whatever?  Express some parenting, yo!

The song will be released on August 1st and she took two WHOLE singing lessons to prepare.


Image Via www.bloggers.com

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