
Paula Deen Has "Secret" Diabetes But Is Going to Make Bank Promoting Diabetic Medication

This isn't really a big shock.  This rumor has actually been circulating for some time now but only now does it really seem to have any big, fat legs...

Yes, it looks like after sucking on one too many sticks of butter dipped in chocolate, Paula Deen, pretty much the spokesperson for eating shitty, unhealthy foods, has apparently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

But hey, no worries!  The Daily is now reporting that she's allegedly setting up a multi-million dollar endorsement deal with the pharmaceutical company who makes her medication...pfft!

That's just a big kick in the crotch, ain't it?  

Now, I don't want to snark on someone who's sick, but I will comment on someone who promotes obesity and bad eating habits to the world, gets ill at her own hand, and then turns around and makes a buck off of that.  Who does that?

Maybe someone who writes a children's book recommending your offspring chow down on cheesecake for breakfast?  Or maybe someone who serves something at her restaurant called a "Brunch Burger" that consists of a bacon burger covered in a fried egg and stuffed between two donuts?

A little remorse for a career built on shilling shitty food would be nice.  Hell, I'd even take a small acknowledgment of the issue...

A free one though - NOT one she's getting paid for.

Image Via www.thedaily.com

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