
Dance Moms Kids Banned From Competition For Crappy Editing

You guys watch this asshole Abby on Dance Moms?  It is just one helluva show!  Generally, it's about this megabitch wannabe dancer who runs a dance studio for kids.  The moms are featured with all their bullshit (they're like Real Housewives meets Toddlers and Tiaras type moms - it's effin' nuts!) and they all yell at and threaten each other between dance competitions.  It's some pretty poignant shit!


Well, it turns out that the girls have been banned from an upcoming competition (a biggie - StarQuest) because of the way that the event was portrayed on the show last year.  Calling Alison DuBois...

StarQuest claims, "...producers did not air the true results of the competition ... and edited the footage in a way that misled viewers into believing certain dancers were competing against each other .... when in fact they were not." 

Bunch of fucking LIARS!!!  Lol.

Now, I know what you're thinking...why the hell would Starquest let a crummy reality show film the competition anyway?  Obvi, there is editing involved in these stupid shows, everyone knows that!  They claim that, "...the Moms producers misled him into thinking the show was about young girls in the competitive dancing world -- not about their catty foulmouthed mothers."

The producer, Jeff Collins, shot back, saying the allegations are "nonsense" and that, "We're sorry he feels misled ... we'd love to work with StarQuest again."

The girls have supposedly been invited back to every other competition besides this one with no probs (but keep in mind StarQuest was the competition featured in the infamous "skanky costume" episode so, if you've seen that one - you get it.) 

Image Via www.tvlistings.zap2it.com

1 comment:

  1. "...the Moms producers misled him into thinking the show was about young girls in the competitive dancing world -- not about their catty foulmouthed mothers."

    Yeah, there's no way they could have known that from a show titled "DANCE MOMS".
