
Tareq Salahi Says Michaele Was Kidnapped UPDATED: She Took Off With a Dude From Journey

But what about that fake baby they were going to hire a fake surrogate to fake have!!!     

Tareq Salahi has been making the media rounds to talk about how his wife Michaele was kidnapped last Tuesday by an unknown abductor.  Not too sure what he thinks Harvey Levin and Inside Edition are going to do for him but he sure does enjoy himself some free press doesn't he!  Even in the midst of a kidnapping he's selling stories!  That's sooo fucked up but at this point I expect nothing less from the chubby, lying bastard and his idiot wife.

Tareq says Michaele called late last night and told him she was going to her mother's house.  For some unknown reason he was suspicious and called her mama who said she "was unaware of [these] plans."  Tareq then called the Sheriff's Dept. crying wolf kidnapping!

Tareq says the cops told him that Michaele had already called them and told them she was OK and just dealing with some "family issues."  Hmmm - sketchfest!

So, now the crazy asshole is alleging that the fake abductors are making Michaele make all these calls to throw lawdogs off her bleach blond, party crashing scent. 

Tareq made the following statement to the public:

"We are reaching to the public pleaing [sic] desperately for your help.  It is our belief as of last night, that Michaele Salahi may have been kidnapped or abducted and being held under duress and forced to tell persons, including authorities she is okay.

We are asking the public to please be on the look out for her, and if found please contact the authorities and please approach her and contact the authorities to intervene and that she may be forced to say she is okay, when in fact she is not and being held under possible abduction.

The Salahi family can be reached at 540-635-9933."

Not so sure giving out a phone number is such a good idea but these guys aren't exactly KNOWN for their good ideas.  Also I'm not too sure why anyone would kidnap her - they don't have any money and what they do have they owe to people they've stiffed. 

If this is real - I'm a complete asshole...But come on!  This stinks of a Salahi publicity stunt!  And if they are tying up police services and people's time for more of their fuckery...I hope this time they finally go to jail where they belong!

UPDATE:  TMZ is now reporting that she's not kidnapped - she's just shackin' up with the guitar player from Journey!  Shut the front door!  Probably sick of Tareq and his assholedness she has apparently moved on to a new beau.  They report she has been dating Neil Schon and is in Memphis with the rock star - sucks to be Tareq!  (Even more than it already did.)

Image Via www.zimbio.com

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