
Michael Jackson Estate Being Sued for $10 Million Over a Case of the Herpes

Oh good...another story about a herpes lawsuit!  Pfft!

In this case, some crazy bitch is coming forward to say she had sex with MJ in the 70s and he gave her the herp!  Sonofabitch!  40 year old herpes???  Whaaa?  I would buy that he gave Bubbles herpes before I'd buy this horseshit.

Who waits forty GD years until they get that shit checked out?!?  Liars with fake herpes...that's who!

It's no big shock that the allegedly sexually diseased Shellie Smith has no real proof that Wacko Jacko gave her the herp or even had sex with her (she is a woman after all) but she says she "most certainly contracted the disease from Jackson since he was the only partner she ever had."  Um, yeah...not buying it...

Anyways, the dumb broad has tried to get money out of the MJ estate before claiming in 2010 that she was secretly married to the supastar for years and was entitled to spousal support.  This makes this herpes story even more unbelievable!

And, hello McFly, but if he had the herp back in the day then why didn't Corey Feldman have sores all over his face huh???  Explain that shit you litigious bitch!  

Too soon?  At least I didn't throw Home Alone kid under the bus!

And PS - I know my buddy Sarah is prob reading this and cursing me out under her breath for bashing MJ (especially post death) but come on - it's funny!  Love you bitch!  ;)

Image Via www.bite.ca

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