
Mariah Carey Investigated by CPS

This is a weird one...

The glittery, butterfly lovin' mother of Moroccan and Monroe is under investigation for get this...drinking a Guiness in the hospital after giving birth.  Um, blogger says what?

I've never even seen her with a drink in her hand let alone a fucking beer - I just can't see the uppity byotch with a can of brewskie in her perfectly manicured little hand...she seems more like a pills and vodka type of gal.  But that's just me.

Allegedly someone at the hospital complained that she chugged the brew while breastfeeding or something and the investigation was launched - they were set to meet with the songstress yesterday.  Sources tell TMZ that someone on the hospital staff told her it would be "beneficial to drink a dark beer -- like a Guinness -- to assist her in lactating."  Apparently, she was just taking the the advice and therefore drank a Guinness.  She did not hide what she was doing and just assumed it was okay.

I get that you can't drink in hospitals but WTF?  CPS is investigating this shit?  I'm sure there are bigger fish they could be frying.  It's not like she drank a fucking 12 pack and started flashing the orderlies, let's have a little perspective people!

Image Via www.ruthlessblogs.com

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