
Amy Winehouse Checks Into Rehab Again...Stops for a Bottle of Vodka on the Way

Bam!  Now THAT'S what I call going to rehab! 

This chick is a trip, eh?  After throwing away one of the most promising music careers in possibly years, Amy Wino has checked herself back into rehab supposedly due to her daddy's urging.

That's not really news because Wino checkin' into rehab is like Lindsay getting arrested but aye, here's the rub...

This crazy asshole stops off on the way to pick up a bottle of vodka, gets wasted like it's nineteen-ninety-motherfucking-nine, stumbles into a hair salon's shitter, barfs all over and then comes out and says "I just puked all over your bathroom," to an employee!  Man, this girl makes Courtney Love look like an amateur!   

Image Via www.ticketdirekt.net

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