
Where's Amy Winehouse Now?


At the bar, yo!  Where the fuck do you think she is?  Church?

After I thought she had died alone of a meth overdose screaming out Blaaaaaake like his dick was on fire, Amy Winehouse turned up last night at her favorite bar.  In her defense, she was at the famous Abbey Road studio just before getting her bar on.

She looked a lot more together than she used to but that isn't saying much - Wino was wearing more clothes than usual and we should all get down and thank the higher power that she covered up that skanky ass because, quite frankly, I was getting herpes just looking at her.

She wore a sweater - sans pants - and her trademark ballet shoes while sporting a Snookiesque tan...her face doesn't have all those damn meth sores or whatever the fuck those were all over it either which was also refreshing.

Glad to see she's looking better but really, does anyone care anymore?  We have Adele now bitch!  We care not for your antics of yore!

Image Via www.style.popcrunch.com and www.urban-gear.com

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