
Glee and Victoria Jackson Feud Continues

What a hate mongering bitch this chick is eh?  I'm all for freedom of speech and censorship can go fuck itself and all that but I'm also against hateful, ignorant speech and this chick is spewing some serious hate!

Victoria Jackson went on Showbiz Tonight to talk about the previous homophobic comments she made in an article that bashed both gays and Muslims.  She even held up the Bible like it was a tool you should use to hate people...If anything her venomous words don't make me see her point any better but make me think God-fearing folk are brainwashed and much more spiteful than I thought.

Obviously a conservative Republican she took a few hits at the Liberals saying that Homophobia is a "...cute little buzz word of the liberal agenda" and that shows like Glee are basically making kids gay.  Well in turn, then isn't sinner just a cute little buzz word of the religious agenda?  And isn't the Bible basically making people intolerant, hate-filled sheep?  Tit for tat my friend or no tit at all!

I'm not totally against religion.  But I can't understand a person's need to lump people into groups that they can later claim they hate due to a misplaced need to follow the rules of the Bible so they can go to Heaven.  I guess I'm not built the way of a good Christian - and trust me, my parents tried. 

When asked if she understood the other side of the argument - IE. Everyone should be treated as equal - Jackson said some garbage about being afraid that God would not want to be our savior because we "spit in his face" when we disobey what is in the good book.  Well, I don't want to be saved by someone who isn't into saving everyone, and I'm certainly not into a savior that tries to incite fear in me if I don't do exactly as is written (thousand of years ago no less).

And really, bottom line - What is the big deal about two dudes kissing?  Get over it...and try thinking for yourself for a minute.  I weep for her teenage daughter and I hope she doesn't end up coming out of the closet as a lesbian because Miss Jackson seems like one of those crazys who would punish her for her "sins".  You know...because the bible told her to.

Image Via www.huffingtonpost.com

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