
Dog Eats Off Owner's Toes...While He's Sleeping!

Who the eff is this guy that didn't wake up when his pooch was gnawing off his little piggies???  Ozzy Osbourne?  Who sleeps through this?

A 61-year-old guy in Oregon was sleeping, apparently like a ton of bricks one night, when his Shiba Inu (pictured above...who - cue the baby voice - is a little cutie, patootie, piece of angel's food cake!) ate three of his toes off!

Now the kicker is not that man's best friend went all Cujo and tried to eat his owner, it's that animal experts are saying the little guy probably did it thinking the toes were infected or diseased flesh so it was possibly doing it to save his owner's life!!!  (The owner has diabetes which can create numbness in the hands or feet)  Can I get a collective Awwwww! up in here!!!

The AP article also tells other tales of dogs eating toes off of other "victims" too.  Shit man, I can barely get my cat to stay outta the bedroom and these dogs are going all Grey's Anatomy and chewing off organs they think may be harming their owners...this freaks me out!  Like enough to never get a dog freak me out!

My cat may eat my face off if I drop dead one of these days but at least while I'm alive I'll still have all my toes!

Cats - 1
Dogs - 0
Humans - Minus 3 Toes

Image Via www.justdogbreeds.com

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