
Brit Brit's Ex-Bodyguard Claims He Has X-Rated Pics of Her

Oh gimme a break!

That mouth breather, that - a little while back - brought a suit against Britney Spears for sexual harassment now claims he has some raunchy pics of the pop star in compromising positions.

Fernando Flores, her ex-bodyguard, had filed a multi-million dollar suit back in the good old days (and by good old days I mean 09-10 when Britney was all bat shit crazy) citing that the star had shown him her coochie several times and now he's saying there are pictures she also sent him of said coochie.

Puh-lease.  I call bullshit.  Where the Hell were these pics a year ago, amigo?  A source says Flores has said the pictures would "...likely shock and disgust the majority of her fans".  

I'm a fan of the crazy bitch and ain't nothing that could come out that would "shock and disgust me" at this point.  We've all seen her crotch at this point, dude.  Keep up!  Should we all sue her for harassing us?

Didn't think so.

Image Via www.therowboat.com

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