
Bikini-Wearing Bitch Freaks out at Burger King

Spring break!!!  Wahoooo!

Some crazy chick (in a bikini no less) wanted to get her burger on during spring break in Florida so she headed over to BK and ordered up a Whopper Jr. and fries, thing is they took too damn long and she freaked the Hell out!

When her order wasn't ready ASAP she got her weave in a bunch and started throwing shit around (and at the poor employees) and jumped on the counter screaming her fool head off and inciting a full on food fight.

Damn!  Should've got her Whopper ready quicker!  Grill that bitch up!

The drunk idiots around her were pretty stoked about the whole thing with one of the dumbasses saying, "This is the best Spring Break EVER!" in the background...damn drunks!

In a statement she said, "When I walked in they had no smiles on their faces. We weren't treated fairly. If I knew what was gonna happen, I would've gone to Taco Bell."  Lol - what a tard.  I'm pretty sure if they knew this was going to happen they would've happily paid for her to run for the border!

She was arrested and charged with battery.  Wahoooo! 

Enjoy the video here.

Image Via www.streetdigest.com

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