
Bethenny Frankel Pretends to Hate the Paps

Bitch please!

Infamous fame whore Bethenny Frankel has been bitching chatting to USA Today about those recent photos at the beach where she looked pretty badass for a new mom.

She referred to them as "disgusting rats" and said she was so upset she went home and had to stay her skinny butt inside on "house arrest" in her building.  The inventor of the Skinny Girl Margarita said it was the fact the they were all about getting pics of little Bryn Hoppy that got her panties in a bunch.  Seriously?  Bryn?  The baby you pimp out on your crappy spin-off show "Bethenny Ever After"?

I'm not down with the paps getting all up in her baby's bizness or anything but I'm also not down with these people putting babies and kids on reality shows unless they are old enough to make the decision to be on them themselves.  And if you do (hey, it's your kid) don't be so damn shocked that there's public interest in them!

And BTWs - as a braindead pop culture junkie I saw those pics she's whining about and she was practically posing for them!  And where the Hell was Bryn???  I didn't see no baby!  Let alone see anyone fighting to get pics of said absent baby! 

Methinks this may be a ploy to get more attention as her reality universe seems to be crumbling around her skinnygirl ass...Reality Tea is reporting viewership is down 28% from last year on her show.

Somewhere Jill Zarin is laughing her bitchy, jealous ass off.

Image Via www.celebuzz.com

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