
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion - Part 2

Andy Cohen starts off the second half of the reunion show with a bang.  After bringing up the fight between Camille and Kyle for the millionth time he turns to Kim and asks, "Is Kyle a bully?"

Well, Jesus Christ!  Why not just dig up their beloved dead mother and show her to them!

Kim dances around this for a minute before the Wicked Witch of Beverly Hills Camille chimes in, "I've seen her bully you, " like her shit don't stink.  This does not go over well with Lisa who is the only one who sticks up for Kyle.

When Andy confronts Camille about being irresponsible for the majority of her actions on the show she, for some fucked up reason brings up when she basically said that Mauricio is cheating on Kyle.  In her defense, she does say that she regrets being a megabitch and bringing that up but come on, I don't care if that stupid broad from Medium brought it up first!  Not cool, bizzatch!  Not cool at all!

Then we get into the Cedric situation.

Turns out Cedric is a big douchebag who freaked out on Lisa and Ken when he was moving out and totally turned on the Todds, only to come back the following day and demand money from the uber-rich couple or he would sell lies to the tabs.  Andy got his grubby little hands on a video of Cedric telling his side of the story.  In the video Cedric basically says he was sick of being treated like Jiggy and being Lisa's bitch boy, he accused her of changing when the show started and becoming a parody of herself.  Whatevs dude.  I'm team Lisa but mostly because I can smell a liar a mile away and something never sat quite right with me when Cedric was telling his story about his mother being a french prostitute and leaving him in a phone booth.  Yeah, I saw that movie too, dude.  (Ken later states that they did find out that some if not all of his tale of french woe was a sham.)

Now let's get into Taylor aka Shana, she cries about her icy husband and her marriage for the millionth time and let's us know that the trip at the end of the season was good for them.  Next.

Bring on the bitches!

The husbands come on out but who the Hell cares about any of them besides hot ass Mauricio, yum.  The sexy real estate guru revealed that women have been sending him racy emails and photos (it wasn't me, I swear) and Camille made damn sure everyone knew that she hired him back after firing him for being married to her arch enemy Kyle...it's all very mature and dignified.  Andy touches briefly on Handsome Nick and Camille states she's clearly having an affair with him just kissing him because she's Italian.

When Ken starts talking about Cedric it's quite poignant.  Perhaps made clearer by being surrounded in so much garbage and fluff but I really felt for the Todds at this point.  Cedric lashed out at this family quite cruelly, whether or not he was mistreated or not, he went too far by yelling at Ken that he "fucking hated his wife and his kids."  Harsh dude.  No need to bring the Junior Todds into this mess.

Andy strikes for blood with the sisters by again asking Kim if she thought that Kyle bullied her.  They cry and talk in circles about tough love and dominant personalities before Kim completely loses it.  Bawling like a baby, she admits that Kyle is tough on her and they fight too much.  Then we get to relive the damn limo scene.  This scene, and only this scene, is what prompted me to start posting about these pampered Beverly Hills phonies.

Thing is, the two don't really go into the limo fight and what happened after.  They simply keep stating and re-stating how much they love each other (almost trying to convince themselves) and how they won't talk about that night.  Andy must've been pooping in his Dolce.  God love him for trying though.

The dinner from hell is up next.  Now anyone who watches this garbage knows what went on there.  A whole bunch of bitch!  The ladies confront Camille about being friends with such a psycho and she cops to the fact that her drinking buddy said some fucked up things.  And according to Andy, the number one question on the Bravo blogs was if Alison was such a powerful medium then why didn't she tell Camille about Kelsey?  Camille says that she thinks the reading that Alison got on Kyle was about her.  Well, if that ain't a bunch of bullshit?

The show closes with some of the ladies regrets and they're fairly obvious.  Lisa doesn't have any, Taylor regrets saying she was going to "go all Oklahoma" on Kim's ass, Kyle regrets fighting with everyone, Adrienne has no regrets, Kim regrets being born fighting with Taylor and Kyle and the lovely former Mrs. Grammer regrets everything with Kyle.  Yawn.

It is kind of weird when Andy offers up the usual final toast making clear that they have cider as well as booze for the ladies to drink.  Poor drunk Kim.  Looking like a fool till the end.

Image Via www.popcrunch.com

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