
Even Steven in a Bar Brawl! Shia LeBeouf Freaks Out!

Oh shit boy - it's viral!

Videos are surfacing starring Shia LeBeouf in a full out arrest scene with the Transformers star being carted away by the cops early Saturday morning. 

Radar Online has a statement from the "other guy", Mark Mastro, in the fight that led to the arrest.

Mastro said, "My girlfriend saw Shia, and told me. I wanted to get a picture with him so I went over to his table, sat down next to him, and told him I was a fan of his.  I called him Mr. LeBeouf.  He didn't want anything to do with me.  He said he just wanted to chill and refused to do any photos.  I walked away."

Mastro goes on to say that they went out to the taverns front patio and Shia came out.  "My friend said, 'what's up Shia'? and Shia told him to 'get the f**k  out of my way.'  He (Shia) was slurring his words.  That's when I said to my buddy, 'don't worry, he's just a f**king fa**ot anyway'.  He (Shia) turned around, cursed me out, and I started laughing."

After that Shia got into his truck only to hop back out and charge Mastro and his friend.

"He was getting in my face.  He was talking sh*t.  He was chest-bumping me."

Lol - chest bumping.  That's so retarded.

Anyways, the bouncer put Shia in a headlock and handed him over to the cops.  The LAPD said no one was arrested and the scene was simply cleared.  Mastro wasn't even questioned by them.

May be just another weird Shia thing (like getting charged for not leaving a Walgreen's) but either way methinks the young star may be a future Sheen in the making.  Keep yo' head on Shia, you're too talented to turn into tabloid fodder.

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