
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Finale Season 1 - WTF Was That???

So, last night I checked out The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills finale and I have to say - these bitches have snapped!

The whole season was a little ho hum (especially compared to the ladies of Jersey or Atlanta franchises) and consisted of little more than a whole bunch of drama over a "Dinner from Hell" with some bitch psychic the show Medium was based on and of course, Camille and Kelsey Grammer getting a gnarly divorce.  Other then that there was some bickering between the Richards sisters (Paris Hilton's aunts) and a few marital problems between Brody Jenner's mom Linda Thompson's BFF Taylor Armstrong and her cold as ice husband.

SIDENOTE:  Something semi-interesting about this installment of Housewives are the cameos by 90s pop culture figures like Kato Kaelin and Faye Resnick, granted both were OJ Simpson trial made icons of faux fame but it's interesting to see them later in life. 

But the finale was an exquisite shitstorm of reality garbage culminating in the loss of a hot, gay houseguest and the destruction of two (almost three) families.

The finale picks up in New York at the Tony's where we see Camille and Kelsey being awkward and pretending nothing is wrong in front of their snooty friends.  Props to the Bravo crew for catching a masterful clip where Camille and Kelsey exit the limo on opposite sides making for a sweet, metaphorical clip of real reality.  They weren't allowed to film the red carpet so the next time we see Camille she is talking to a paid employee friend about how shocked she was when she went to the couple's lavish New York apartment and had to show ID because the doorman argued she was not the Mrs. Grammer he knew.  That brought the LOLs!  Ha!  Probably shocked the shit out of the stupid bitch!

So, the cat was out of the horny bag and she realized that she and Kelsey weren't going to work it out because surprise, surprise there was a new blonde in town!

Basically other than that the whole episode was a wash up until the final party where Kim Richards showed up hammered and Taylor started a whole lot of trouble over a whole lot of nothing.  When Kyle, Adrienne and Lisa all came over to see what the Hell was going down Kim felt ganged up on and started lashing out saying that she actually didn't like any of them...WTF dude?  Rude much. 

After a whole bunch of he said, she said Kim takes off for the limo to cry with that crazy looking dude Martin she is "dating" and whines to him for a while about how much everyone sucks.  Adrienne comes in, the only sane one on the show beside Lisa, and tries to comfort her drunk ass to no avail when Kyle bursts in.

Here's where the shit hit the fan!

Apparently the sisters have a whole lot of misplaced anger and they plan to take it out on each other by airing all their dirty laundry at once!  So, the gist of it seemed to be that Kim is an alcoholic who mooches off hot ass, superstar Realtor Mauricio and Kyle is a cold bitch who is jealous because Kim had all their mother's attention growing up.  Kim screamed out some crazy shit about Kyle stealing her fucking house - whatever the fuck that means and about Kyle being fake.  Kyle was hooting and hollering about their mother worrying about Kim her whole life (and death - ouch) and about how she had to take over caring for her drunk sister.

At the end of the whole mess, Kyle cut Kim off from everything and told Mauricio they were "done with her" as she headed out of the limo.  The title cards came up in usual Housewife fashion and said that Kim's family checked her into rehab (the tabloids say she checked herself out a week later) and that Kyle and Kim didn't talk for weeks after the fight.

It was a whole lot of crazy and God love them for it.  These ladies may just make for good TV after all.

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