
Celebrity Rehab Gone Wild

Is anyone watching this season of Celebrity Rehab?  Jesus Christ!  I've seen some crazy shit on TV but this is a trainwreck and a half.

Janice Dickinson is being bat shit crazy and pushing everyone's buttons while simultaneously self-destructing and talking about suicidal tendencies...yikes.  Keshia Cole's mother apparently thinks she's a gang member and fights with everyone while swearing like a carnie.  Gummi Bear has quit heroin and it would seem that has turned him into a raging lunatic and the others just sit around and trash talk each other.

Not to mention, Eric Roberts, who has taken a weird spot in the limelight, calling Janice a C U Next Tuesday and opening up the most about his issues...but who cares about him though right?

I watched all the previous installments aside from the first I think (unless that was the one with that stupid porn star Mary Carey) and they were wild too but this time their is a noticeable feeling of ambivalence.  Kind of like no one is their to get well or even be on TV.  It feels like they are all just there, and mind you very pissed off about that fact, and are going to act out every chance they get.

Good luck Dr. Drew.

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