
Camille Grammer Quits Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Oh snap!  The reunion taping must've been bad!

Notorious Bev Hills housewife Camille Grammer has quit the show allegedly just hours after taping the reunion.  She hasn't released any statements thus far, but being that she is a complete idiot who was busy feuding with Paris' aunt about nothing and getting a quickie divorce, she might not have had much free time recently.

Now, anyone who watches this garbage (I myself am obsessed with Housewife drama) know how these housewife shows work...they tape everyone being rich and fabu and making drama with other rich and fabu people, not to mention taping their less-then-stellar fuck ups and bad parenting and take it all at the end and smoosh it together using the most fucked up footage as the headlining act.  Then they have a reunion show where they all berate and judge each other for being fuck ups and fight like tweens fight over Justin Bieber...DIRTY!  It's hilarious!

Being that Camille is going through what appears to be a nasty divorce with one of my fave actors I want to cut her some slack...it must be a lot for her...and her kids...

But if she takes him for all his Frasier bucks I'm going to put aside my feelings of false empathy and go back to hatin' on her.  Woman behind the man my ass!  Bitch wouldn't know how to make him a cup of coffee before work!  The divorce is still ongoing but Frasier wants it over with asap so he can marry the homewrecker he was banging behind Camille's back.  I hope he keeps most of the moola and she has to get her stripper heels out of retirement.  If the show has any sort of semblance to reality, our dear Camille deserves nothing less.

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