
Cheating Conservatives Voting Bristol All the Way to the End

I knew it!  Those crazy Palin-loving conservatives are skewing the votes on DWTS so that their faux-famous baby mama Bristol can take home the stupid, meaningless Disco Ball Trophy!

Gawker.com has trolled the blogs and Twitter to find evidence of some - ahem - foul play amongst DWTS voting.  Whaaa?  Is that really necessary?  These jerks have way to much free time on their hands!

The following excerpts are just a few of many, and I mean MANY, incidents of conservatives posting how they are trying to rig voting for America’s favorite single mother:

"Got my 80 votes in online…took 2 hours. I am beat!"
"[T]he fact we've been all doing this for Bristol has been driving the Left NUTS…For conservatives, enjoy the fun of finally, at last, getting a taste of what it's like to be a Democrat. You can vote as much as you want. You can vote using all sorts of names. You can vote all day. You can't get paid to vote, because you aren't really a Democrat, silly, but you can get as close as you can possibly get without being in a union or taking part in ACORN."

"I only got 42 in, I have some catching up to do!"

"Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in."
"You may not be a fan of the show or even Bristol but I firmly believe her continued success on the show demonstrates the power of the tea party."

Wowsa!  Not since Kate Gosselin was called an unfit mother for dancing the night away while her kids sat at home with nannies and her useless Ed Hardy swaddled ex and Michael Bolton threw a hissy fit about the judges being mean to him have we had so much controversy on this show!  Seems like politricks as usual with these fools…if you can’t beat them cheat your ass off, if that doesn’t work you can always scare them into thinking there are weapons of mass destruction in the trophy that will only go off if Bristol doesn’t win.

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