
Jill Zarin - Gimme Free Shit!

Oh, Jill honey!  It's over, dude!  Pack up your girdles and koala clips and peace out...it's starting to make you look reaaally pathetic.

Page Six is having a slow celeb news day so they printed up this little ditty about ginger-haired homegirl Jill Zarin and her general post-housewives lameness.

"Jill Zarin is still seeking star treatment after leaving "Real Housewives."  Her aides asked restaurants to host her recent birthday dinner for free, requesting a "comp dinner for eight" in return for "press and tweets" about her visit.  But there were no takers.  Zarin dined Nov. 30 at Lavo with 11 friends, and hubby Bobby paid.  Zarin's assistant, Sarah Vitale, also asked p.r. firms for gifts.  But Vitale told us Zarin had no idea: "They sent her stuff in the past, so I didn't think it was a big deal."  Vitale added that she "reached out to restaurants who have offered to host dinners for Jill in the past...we went with Lavo because she'd never been there before."

What?  I know that Hollywood is all rehab stints and BS PR but is this how she thinks a star is made?  You know what I think is going on here?  Kardashianitis I call it.  Symptoms include thinking you are an actual celebrity, using fake PR stunts to get press coverage (and thinking the world is to stupid to catch on) and thinking that you need to listen to handlers and shitshovelers who take 10% until the quickie fame well dries up and they can move on to the next fired reality star.

It's a nasty disease and I think Jill Z may have caught it.  Case in point is her twitter - she's fucking crazy on there and uses it as a tool to get freebies and bash people who disagree with her.  Check out what she had to say about this particular matter...complete with my translation stating what she really means.

Translation:  Fuck you guys for putting me on blast in that article.  This is my passive aggressive way of giving you the finger WHILE mentioning that companies send me free shit (send me more free shit!)

Translation:  I've been stewing on this shit for less than an hour and I'm more pissed off than I thought I was so instead of yelling at Bawbi to buy me diamonds and chihuahuas I am going to mention your article again and this time, explain PR to one of the biggest gossip sites in the world.  Winky face!  You're welcome!

Translation:  Thought about it and talked to Kelly (who was writing a children's book with her crayons about a chef cook who has daggers on her tongue, drinks Kellaid Margaritas and fakes being lost at sea) and she told me that PR 102 is to "deflate the situation" so I am fake complimenting you all now!  I'm so nice!  (I hate Alex and Simon. Alex is a fucking bitch!)  I'm so nice!

Editor's Note:  Pretty sure Cuckoo Kelly meant diffuse the situation but shit!  What can I say?  She's lucky she's pretty.

Anyways not buying it, bitch.  Now kindly fade away.

Image Via www.anythinghollywood.com     

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