
Rod Blagojevic - GUILTY!

The verdict is in on sheisty politician and shamed Senate-seat-seller Rod Blagojevic and he's guilty!  Duh!

Kind of loses the thrill of the case when they have tapes of the dude being guilty, you know?  It's like watching Titanic for the first time, you know what's going to happen at the end, but you still watch it because you're hoping there's a surprise - like showing Leo's nekkid ass - that would've made that movie a million times better.  Heart of the ocean my ass!  Oh and Celine, I know you're our Canadian treasure and all but if you could be less of a bore, yeah, that'd be great...

But I digress, the shady bastard was found guilty of 17 charges (out of 20 day-um!) and now faces a substantial jail sentence.  What a dumbass!  It amazes me how rich people will do just about anything to be more rich!  WTF is that about?

Sayanara Blagojevic!  See how I didn't make any cracks about him not being able to turn on a laptop on Celebrity Apprentice?  I figure the guy's going to be someone's bitch soon enough and that, my friends, is punishment enough.     

Image Via www.beautytrends.com

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