
Leave Britney Alooone! Fool is Making Porn Now

That seems about right...

Remember that tool who screamed and cried about Britney getting slack in the media for being a fucking loon who shaved her head randomly?  Well, he moved on to do semi-great things, they just never fully panned out.  Chris Crocker had a brief reality show that I don't even think made it to air, he sang a tune or two a la William Hung and he started himself a Tumblr account.

The Tumblr account is where he showcases his wares in many states of undress between giving nuggets of Crocker wisdom.  Since the pics have gone up a porn director, named ChiChi LaRue no less, said that she would help him "exhibit what [he] was meant to exhibit." 

Since then, he's said via his Tumblr that he's "doing a full-length porno this summer," and that the "deal's in place."


Image Via www.scrapetv.com

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