
Season you Were Born In May Have Jacked You Up

A fairly useless study was conducted recently to see how much the season we were born in affects our lives.  It seems this topic has been a popular area amongst the science set because I dug up a shitload of info on the matter.  Check this out:

If you were born in Spring:
  • There are more anorexia nervosa births  
  • Links have been found between spring births and schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and Type 1 diabetes
  • Leukemia is linked to being born in the spring (with a peak in April FYI)  

If you were a Summer baby:
  • African-American babies born in the summer are smaller than those born at other times
  • Moderate and severe nearsightedness or the inability to see well at long distances is highest amongst summer babies

If you were born in Winter:
  • Three times more likely to suffer from eczema and wheezing
  • Increased risk of mental health disorders  

Those born in Fall:
  • Generally live longer than people born in the spring
  • African-American babies born fall were smaller than those born at other times (like in the summer)
  • Have a 9.5 percent risk of having food allergies
So - it looks like if you were born in the springtime you're pretty much fucked.  If you were born in summer your biggest issue is seemingly going to be/is being nearsighted as a son of a bitch.  The people born in winter are crazy wheezers with bad skin and if you were born in the fall you're going to live longer then those poor assholes born in the spring but you're also going to have food allergies.
I was born in the summer and I'm blind as a bat - Paris Hilton was a winter baby and she's crazy as a shithouse rat...All seems pretty legit to me.

Don't say I never taught you nothin'!

Image Via www.thenewspointer.info
Copyright Live Science

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