
How Michaele Salahi Passed the 10,000 Mark on Twitter

If you're like me it may surprise you to see that Michaele Salahi has over 10,000 Twitter followers and over 16,000 Facebook friends.  Could it be that a nation that once shunned her is coming around?  Or maybe she is winning us back with her vapid stare and circular logic?

Nope, neither.  Turns out the crazy bitch is just buying up Twitter followers and Facebook likes!  Man, they're going to have to start spelling Sham S-A-L-A-H-I!

ViralSo, an Internet Marketing Agency is a place that people go to buy followers and fans on Twitter and Facebook respectively and guess who's a client?

A page on FB called Tell the White House Party Crashers to go Away - that has since been TERDED but was dedicated to exposing this slackjaw (and did a pretty darn good job of it) had found a pic of the plastic princess on the site page for ViralSo - which has since been edited out - and they had posted the above screenshot before they deleted her ass away like so many of us wish we could do.

Though the site's services don't exactly break the bank, doesn't the gruesome twosome owe like, everyone on the planet money???  They should pay their bills, not pay for this garbage...Who's paying for those white limos and Sparkle the horse?  My God, Sparkle needs food and care and stable money!  Where the fuck is SPARKLE!?!

Stop being a famewhore and go get a job!  Enough of this fuckery!  Christ, my cat probably has more real fans than her and he's a complete asshole who pees on the floor.

Image Via TelltheWhiteHousePartyCrasherstoGoAway -FB PAGE


  1. She is up to 11,570 followers. That is a 1500 increase in just 5 days. Looks like they are getting their money's worth.

  2. JackholeDiary24/3/11 3:01 PM

    But the fun thing is the 600 that have gone on their page to unlike it!
