
Idol Mansion is Haunted!

TMZ has reported that the glorified karaoke singers of American Idol moved in and then out of their million dollar mansion after some gnarly shit was going down!!!  Paranormal Activity Style!  Somebody should call up that Ghost Whisperer bitch and get some answers...because I smell a crossover episode.

The wannabe singers reported strange things happening including flickering lights, mysterious spider infestations and also said they saw a bed sheet suddenly take on a life of its own and float down an empty hallway...they sure that it wasn't Seacrest in a dress just trying to get some forbidden lovin' from the boys?

Well anyway, now the "Ghost Adventures Crew" boys want to investigate the sitch and get them some of that motherfucking Idol exposure ghosts!  The crew said they need to get in there ASAP and "trigger objects" so they can determine what the ghosts are doing there.  Gimme a break!  If anything needs triggering it's J. Lo's acting career.

See, my rule of thumb with this shit is if I don't eff around with ghosts they won't eff around with me!  Leave that shit alone and lay off the hooch!

As for the spiders...maybe they're dirty ass mofos in the house!  That one that got saved last week looks all dingy, take a shower every now and then...fuck.


Image Via www.latina.com

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