
Celebrity Rehab Casting in Progress

This has got to be a joke.  A really bad joke.  A fucking shitball of a joke that is not even good enough to jerk off good jokes.

Casting for the new season of Celebrity Rehab has begun and check out who's going to be on the trainwreck show next, Michael Douchebag Lohan and infamous White House crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi!

WTF is that?  In the words of Nene Leakes, Shut up!  That is sooo stoopid!!!

First off, I thought that dumbass Michael was all squeaky clean and sober and even working at a rehab center helping out any kid in trouble he didn't father and secondly, since when are those assholes the Salahis in need of rehab?  I watched them crash the White House and the whole season of their Housewives of DC exploits and I barely saw them drink their own crappy wine.

Can you get rehabbed for being a fucktard?

Oh yeah, you can.  Jesse James did a while back...Other "celebs" who will join this trifecta of society's garbage include Dwight Gooden (former NY Mets pitcher), Hobie from Baywatch and that crazy biatch Bai Ling.  PS -LiLo has already spoken out about the sitch saying she's worried Michael will embarrass the family and not use his paycheque to take care of his child support to Dina.  Oy Vey!  These freakin' Lohans, can't keep their big mouths shut.  Just stay the fuck home - all of y'all!  It worked for Britney and she was damn near half dead at one point...Sometimes it needs to not be about a paycheque, Christ - have a little dignity!

Images Via www.tmz.com

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