
Oxford Study Says Dogs Smarter than Cats

The eggheads up at Oxford University have nothing better to do then research dumb shit like this?

BTW, I'm pro-cat.  Crazy-ass cat lady if you will, but I'm certainly not anti-dog.  All animals are a-okay in my eyes really as long as they don't take a dump in my laundry basket or lick themselves while I'm eating.

I suppose I do have to agree that dogs definitely seem smarter.  A commenter on a follow-up article on Jezebel.com summed it up pretty well:

When my dog looks at me intently, she's thinking: "He's putting on his shoes, which indicates he's going out and will no doubt take me for a walk, followed by a treat, so I should wag my tail to show my agreement."
When my cat looks at me intently, he's thinking: "Please collapse and die so I can eat you."

Now I'm no brainiac or anything but screw this nonsense - let's get on making some of those self-cleaning houses, Jetson's-style!  Now, that's some research I can get on board with!

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