
Vancouver Riots After Stanley Cup Loss

Damn man!  I looove Canada, but this IS NOT my Canada...

My Canada is a place where what we love is simple - the outdoors, poutine, beer and hockey.  But is our world-famous love of hockey maybe too much???

Last night a disgusting riot took over the streets of Vancouver in a break out of supposed passion and fury about a...hockey game.  Now, a punker at heart I'm not saying I've never done anything messed up like beat the hell out of a garbage can or tag some buildings in good old teenage anarchy, but not once did I ever stab someone for the logo on their shirt.  Not once would I have ever even thought to.  I'm ashamed to admit that when I was a kid, maybe I would have plugged in my earphones, cranked some NOFX and started some serious shit - so maybe it is a teenage thing - maybe not - anyways, doesn't make it right. 

The riots over Vancouver's loss of the Stanley Cup to Boston gave way to 15 burned cars, numerous human bites, nine injuries (including stabbings), but no fatalities.  No fatalities except the reputation of a city - one of our greatest cities no less, that now has a stigma re-attached to it that had somewhat faded away after riots (about the same thing) over 15 years ago.

100 people were arrested and many other idiots are now being picked off one by one online...status updates being removed with feverish little guilty fingers who now realize that perhaps bragging about being a douchebag on Facebook is not a great idea.

It's now being reported that the game was just a scapegoat for some sort of pre-planned rioting with cops saying many of the guilty ones were not there for the Stanley Cup finals.  

Either way, I'm a Canadian and though I wasn't there, nor do I even live in Vancouver, I'm sorry for what happened and most of us ARE just good old, poutine loving beer guzzlers who like to hang out at cottages.  We don't deserve to be nationally trashed alongside some assholes who felt the need to locally trash their own city.  Or hey, maybe we do...

Image Via www.news.nationalpost.com

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